(text-colour:black)[''1866: Andrew Jackson Rider comes to Trenton
In June 1866, G.A. Gaskell, second principal of the Trenton Business College, resigned and returned to teaching at the Newark institute. Andrew Jackson Rider, also a teacher at the Newark branch, agreed to move to Trenton and become the Trenton Business College’s third principal.
1868: Andrew Jackson Rider becomes part owner of Trenton Business College
In February 1868, Andrew J. Rider purchased half-interest in the Trenton Business College, creating the partnership of Beecher and Rider. Joseph Beecher moved to Newark in 1869 with A.J. Rider assuming full control, but not full ownership, of the Trenton Business College.
November 1870: William B. Allen becomes co-owner of Trenton Business College
In November 1870, Joseph A. Beecher sold his share of the school to William B. Allen, who shared administrative responsibilities with A.J. Rider. The Institute continued under the partnership of Rider & Allen until August 1873, when Rider dissolved the partnership to pursue his growing interest in the cranberry business. Allen became sole owner of the school, created a Telegraphy department and hired Thomas J. Stewart as teacher and assistant administrator. In 1878 A.J. Rider rejoined the Institute, becoming its Business Manager., Allen remained sole owner of the school.
1880: Andrew Jackson Rider becomes sole owner of the Trenton Business College
In April, 1880 William B. Allen sold the Trenton Business College to Andrew Rider.
The following list of call codes for books in the library has a message hidden in plain sight. Look to the first letter of each and the truth will be unveiled…
Book 1 Call Number: DT634 .B37
Book 2 Call Number: UC485.G7 L38 [1967]
Book 3 Call Number: KF5075 .S84
Book 4 Call Number: HQ967.U6 S37 2005
Book 5 Call Number: M2.R244 N v.81
Book 6 Call Number: AC8 .S642
Book 7 Call Number: E448 .H64
Book 8 Call Number: Z695.74 .U54'']
Find the Truth!
(click:"Find the Truth!")[
(set: $password to (prompt: "What is the pasword?",""))
(if: $password is "JAISDEAD")[(text-colour:black)[You are correct.]
[[Click here for more->JAISDEAD]]]
(elseif: $password is "jaisdead")[(text-colour:black)[You are correct.]
[[Click here for more->JAISDEAD]]]
(else:)[(text-colour:black)[You are wrong.] [[Try again->The History]]]]''(text-colour:black)["AJ", the Bronc, was not always the prodigal mascot of Rider University. Before him there was "JA", the Billy Goat, but the memory of him has been wiped from the history books all due to a dark secret...Proceed to the Sweigart Hall to learn more. There is a corkboard of information that will lead you to more answers.]''
Find the Truth!
(click:"Find the Truth!")[
(set: $password to (prompt: "What is the pasword?",""))
(if: $password is "Reminiscing")[(text-colour:black)[You are correct.]
[[Click here for more->Gazebo]]]
(elseif: $password is "REMINISCING")[(text-colour:black)[You are correct.]
[[Click here for more->Gazebo]]]
(elseif: $password is "reminiscing")[(text-colour:black)[You are correct.]
[[Click here for more->Gazebo]]]
(else:)[(text-colour:black)[You are wrong. Hint: Read the twitter post for thsi location carefully.] [[Try again->JAISDEAD]]]]
[[Return?->The History]]''(text-colour:black)[In Omnia Paratus. It means prepared in all things. It's a remark one could make about the actions of Andrew J. Rider and how he crafted a selfish narrative for the establishment of //his// university.
“AJ”, the Bronc, was named after Andrew J. Rider, but, more importantly, “JA” was named after Andrew’s brother, Jacob A. Rider! The two brothers established Rider together. They fought constantly until one day an argument ended in a brawl and tragedy. Unintentionally, Andrew committed manslaughter against his brother and covered it up. He wiped any imprint Jacob left on the university to save his own skin. In the end he succeeded and brought that secret to the grave with him… until now… go to next location and help me reunite these two brothers in death…]''
Find the Truth!
(click:"Find the Truth!")[
(set: $password to (prompt: "What is the pasword?",""))
(if: $password is "1865")[(text-colour:black)[You are correct.]
[[Click here for more->Andrew Statue]]]
(else:)[(text-colour:black)[You are wrong. HINT: Check the twitter post for this location and read carefully. The answer may be right under your nose.]
[[Try again->The Rider Rock]]]
[[Return?->The History]]<style> img {
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
src= https://the-rider-truth.neocities.org/Rider%20and%20his%20brother.jpg>
''(text-colour:black)[“Thank you. You helped me do what I could not do in life and that is to apologize to my brother for everything. My only wish now is that our wounds may heal in the afterlife and we can rebuild our connection as the blood brothers that we are! - Sincerely, Andrew J. Rider and Jacob A. Rider”]''''(text-colour:black)[Yes reminisce. That is what you must do to learn more about the truth of Rider University. Andrew J. Rider is only one half to the college’s success… head to the next location as detailed on the twitter account to learn more.]''
Find the Truth!
(click:"Find the Truth!")[
(set: $password to (prompt: "What is the pasword?",""))
(if: $password is "In Omnia Paratus")[(text-colour:black)[You are correct.]
[[Click here for more->The Rider Rock]]]
(elseif: $password is "In omnia paratus")[(text-colour:black)[You are correct.]
[[Click here for more->The Rider Rock]]]
(elseif: $password is "in omnia paratus")[(text-colour:black)[You are correct.]
[[Click here for more->The Rider Rock]]]
(elseif: $password is "In Omnia paratus")[(text-colour:black)[You are correct.]
[[Click here for more->The Rider Rock]]]
(elseif: $password is "in Omnia paratus")[(text-colour:black)[You are correct.]
[[Click here for more->The Rider Rock]]]
(else:)[(text-colour:black)[You are wrong. Hint: Read the twitter post for this location carefully.] [[Try again->Gazebo]]]]
[[Return?->The History]]